Lượng Trần

About me

Typing SVG

I'm Luong Tran, a software engineer specializing in web application development, holding a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH). I have a fundamental understanding of programming languages such as C, C++, Java; Data structures; Algorithms and near proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. I have successfully developed applications using frameworks like NestJS and Flask.

Furthermore, I have hands-on experience in software development, having worked as a Product Backend Intern at GEEK UP JSC. During this time, I gained practical exposure to the Agile/SCRUM methodology, which prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and delivering added value. I am enthusiastic about furthering my learning and contributing to real-world projects, with a focus on creating advanced technology solutions that positively impact the community. Collaboration and knowledge sharing within the ever-evolving field of information technology are core values that I hold dea.

🟢 I have a strong focus on backend system development, database design, querying, and administration.
🟢 I’m currently learning NestJS, NextJS, Golang and advancing Backend & DevOps knowledge.
🟢 Contact me: luongtranstaff@gmail.com